Annual Membership Renewal
Membership Dues
$50.00 minimum recommended membership per person
Fill out the form below and pay your Dues online or by mail.
Your prompt payment of your annual membership dues is essential for the operation of our Holy Institution and for the implementation of our mission.
Please support our cause.
Ανανέωση Ετήσιας Συνδρομή
Συνδρομές Μελών
$50.00 ελάχιστη προτεινόμενη συνδρομή για κάθε άτομο
Συμπληρώστε το παρακάτω έντυπο (φόρμα) και καταβάλλετε (πληρώστε) τη συνδρομή σας ηλεκτρονικά ή μέσω ταχυδρομείου.
Η έγκαιρη καταβολή της ετήσιας συνδρομή σας είναι απαραίτητη για την ορθή λειτουργία του Ιερού Ιδρύματος και για την ολοκλήρωση του έργου μας.
Στηρίξτε την προσπάθεια μας.
Form Completion time: <3 minutes
Χρόνος συμπλήρωσης φόρμας: <3 λεπτά

How Can I Help?
Your support will play a crucial role in maintaining and further developing a Church, Resource Center, and establishing a reference to the Panagia Soumela Monastery, one of the oldest Christian monasteries, founded in AD 387. Additionally, your contributions will help create a permanent site dedicated to honoring the memory of the Greek Pontian Genocide, as well as the genocides of Ionia and Thrace, and the 1955 Pogrom.
The most impactful way to assist us is by participating in our events, including our annual Proskinima & Paniyiri (Pilgrimage & Festival) held around August 15th, coinciding with the Feast of the Dormition of Panagia (Virgin Mary).
For Christ. For Panagia. For Pontos. For Hellenism. For Our Ancestors. For Everybody.
Continuing, growing, and building for the future.